Wednesday 18 June 2008

Gavin Rossdale plays Bush hits at London gig

Gavin Rossdale played his debut UK solo show last night (June 12) at Camden's Underworld.

London-born Rossdale, who now lives in Los Angeles with wife Gwen Stefani, played a set packed full of hits by his former band Bush, including 'Swallowed' and Glycerine'.

Taking to the stage with his band just after 9.20pm (BST) Rossdale, wearing a black shirt and silver chains and basked in a red light, launched straight into Bush song 'Machine Head'.

Before the second track Gavin nodded and smiled to the gathered crowd asking: "Hello, you alright?"

After playing a few more tracks, which saw the already clearly excited crowd chanting back word-for-word, a now sweat-drenched Rossdale told the crowd: "It's been too long, it's real good to see you."

Then Gavin took off his guitar and pulled the mike off the stand to perform new solo song 'This Is Happiness'.

Then after another two solo album tracks Rossdale said: "Thank you, I just want to say a special hello to all my friends who came down - all the locals."

Then the band launched into Bush's biggest UK hit, 'Swallowed', that saw Rossdale show off his guitar skills with the solo near the end.

Before the encore Rossdale said: "I played here with Bush when we were coming up and I love this place." He then launched into a spine-tingling rendition of his old band's hit 'Glycerine', which received an abundance of cheers.

The band joined him again and after another two songs an obviously touched Rossdale, now drenched head to toe in sweat but still smiling, said: "Thank you so much. We look forward to coming back to play to you in London real soon, if I had my way. But thanks for coming out we appreciate that."

Gavin Rossdale played:

'Can't Stop The World'
'Everything Zen'
'The Trouble I'm In'
'This Is Happiness'
'If Youre Not With Us You're Against Us'
'Love Remains The Same'
'The Chemicals Between Us'
'When Animals Attack'

Jun 12, 2008 at Night And Day Cafe, Manchester -
More Bush tickets